IKEHIKO, contributing to the improvement of living culture by revitalizing the local industry by creating polished interior products that match the living environment in Japan.
Ikehiko was founded in 1886 in Fukuoka, Japan as a small tatami shop. With over 100 years, we have inherited traditions, culture and unique techniques of the region. We find great potential in natural soft rush grass (藺草 'Igusa'), the traditional natural fiber familiar to Japanese. Devoting ourselves in planning and developing “Igusa” products, we targeted to deliver our products worldwide.
Ikehiko started cultivating Igusa from 2012 in Japan. Our own Igusa is put into production of products directly after harvesting without any further processing. For that matter, we are able to achieve a texture that is natural and smooth to the touch with our products.
About 'Igusa'
History of Tatami: Sit down and meditate with us for a moment of zen. Tatami are first made in the 1500s by weaving Igusa (natural rush grass). Unique to Japan, these mats were created with Japanese wisdom. They have been used for centuries throughout the country.
池彦は、1886年に日本の小さなお店として福岡に設立されました。 100年以上にわたり、私たちは地域の伝統、文化、ユニークな技術を継承しています。 日本人に親しまれている伝統的な天然繊維である天然のい草(イグサ)には大きな可能性があります。 「イグサ」商品の企画・開発に注力し、全世界への商品展開を目指しました。