In 1926, NIHON BED was established as Japan's first bedding manufacturing company. Their history thus spans more than 90 years. The founder Mr Takeharu Usami worked in Imperial Hotel for 10 years and experienced "the origin of hotel service = making people feel comfortable" and probably knew the importance of "comfortable sleep". When he moved to England, he was surprised and impressed by the Western European lifestyle, and especially wanted to bring back the culture of "sleeping in bed" to Japan.
Commitment to "MADE IN JAPAN" and "MADE BY Japanese bed manufacturing". This is reflected in the development of acquiring numerous patents, registering utility models and designs, and manufacturing the manufacturing machines themselves.
The history of NIHON BED can be described as "a history of commitment to sleeping comfort". Their beds give a healthy, gentle, and comfortable night's sleep. They prioritize quality, seeking to deliver high quality sleep to as many people as possible.
NIHON BED is the only bedding manufacturer in Japan appointed by the Imperial Household Agency and has been serving for all important national guests visiting Japan.
日本ベッド、創業以来の思い。それは、暮らしに寄り添い、よい眠りのためにできるすべてを追求すること。機械づくりからこだわったマットレス。空間を豊かにしつらえるベッドフレームやアクセサリー。そのひとつひとつが、性能という価値を超え、上質な毎日をかなえるものへ。私たち日本ベッドは、 90年余の年月を積み重ね、いま、 100年への歩みを進めています。Sleep as life 「眠りから暮らしを考える」会社として。
NIHON BED products are used habitually at top-class hotels in Japan, including the Imperial Hotel, Hotel Okura, and Hotel New Otani.