Making It Exquisite.
SAKUZAN tableware has to be beautiful. Apart from visible beauty in color and shape, functional beauty is also important for our tableware as an everyday item with practical value, comfort and familiarity.
SAKUZAN artisans understand that it is essential to meticulously and lovingly craft each piece using artisan acuity. Beautiful work creates beautiful tableware; brings sweet smiles at the initial firing, glazing, to final firing table. This is what SAKUZAN always believes in - beauty.
Nestled in the small town of Dachi surrounded by mountains in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, Sakuzan’s workshop produces ceramic tableware that combines Japan’s traditions and craftsmanship with a touch of modernism. Using 100 glazes, 14 types of clay and 3 different firing methods all of Sakuzan’s products are developed and produced in-house by craftsmen who carefully make each item by hand, adding a unique human touch as well as both an aesthetic and functional beauty. Sakuzan strive to produce tableware that acts as a beautiful complement to the food that is being served, believing that ‘great flavours are nurtured by the beauty of the bowl’.
ざくざん食器は美しくなければならない。 色や形の目に見える美しさはさておき、実用的な価値、快適さ、親しみやすさを兼ね備えた日常のアイテムとして、機能的な美しさも私たちの食器に欠かせません。SAKUZANの作業プロセス-粘土の準備、成形、乾燥から、私たちSAKUZANの職人は、職人の鋭敏さを使用して細心の注意を払って各作品を作ることが不可欠であることを理解しています。美しい作品は美しい食器を生み出します。 最初の焼成であるグレージングで、最終的な焼成テーブルに甘い笑顔をもたらします。